2025 Panteg Ministries
Who we are
Panteg Ministries consist of several people who are
interested in performing the Lord's work in this world
today, we all have different and complementary capabilities
and gifts given by the Lord Jesus Christ, through the power
of His Holy Spirit.
Chris Parker-Jones
** Please note - Panteg Ministries is a non-profit volunteer organisation - The resources available are given "as-is" and do not contain any warranties or guarantees and should be used as guides and helps in your ministry, and activities. **
BIO: Chris is Panteg Ministries founder and has been a Christian since 1993. He first came to Jesus through the ministry of the Revd. Clive Knight. Chris has lead Alpha courses, Preached God's word since 1997, run various workshops and has been a lay pastor for several years. He has undergone various study programs and development courses including Encounter Ministries, Life Church (formerly ALM), attended the Evangelical Theological College of Wales and has studied with Bristol Baptist College attaining their PFS certification. Chris has been involved in many local church activities and supports various local and remote groups. His passion is for the preaching of God's word. Chris is very grateful for the leading and support of the local church and this includes the ministry of Revd. Richard Harrison, Revd. John James, Stephen Olford, Paul Scanlon and the whole team at Bradford's Life Church, and many others. Chris has released many of the resources he has developed over the years to Panteg Ministries, please review the pages contained on this web site.
If you wish to book Chris then select the Contacts and Links page and e-mail us.