2025 Panteg Ministries
This is a draft order of service
<Husband> and <Wife>
Pattern for Christian Marriage
Having met the bride and bridal party at the door, the minister goes to the front of the church and extends a welcome:
On behalf of <name of> Church, I welcome you all to this service to celebrate the Christian marriage of <husband> and <wife>. Would you please stand for the entry of the bride?
Start March Music
Please be seated—non-flash photography is welcome during the ceremony, no photographs can taken, however, be taken during the signing of the register, this is legal requirement. Can you also switch your mobile technology to mute?
Call to Worship—When we sing the hymns please remained seated
Hymn—Be Still—When music stops stop at next screen
Today we are here to witness the marriage of <husband> and <wife>. The Bible says that God has made us in His image, male and female. We are separate and different yet able, in love, to meet, know, and delight in one another. In Christian marriage two people trusting in this mystery of love, commit themselves to live faithfully together for life, even in plenty, need, joy or sorrow.
For this purpose, <husband> and <wife> are here today and it is our privilege to witness, celebrate and to acknowledge their marriage together. In marriage the husband and wife belong to one another and are starting a new life together within the Christian community, because of this we need to offer them our encouragement and support.
All this we do before God, the source of life and love. All who trust their lives to one another are relying on the power of love and the faithfulness of God, so we shall ask Him to send his blessing upon <husband> and Rebecka that their new life together may be filled with joy, their partnership with each other would bring them ever closer, and may it make them ever more open to God whose love provides meaning to theirs. This is the way of life, which <husband> and <wife> are about to begin.
If there is anyone here now who can show any reason why they may not lawfully be married, please declare this now.
Legal Declarations - Declarations Screen
The minister says to the congregation
<husband> and <wife> are now to make their declarations which the law requires. <husband> and <wife> please step forward and look at each other.
<husband> please say after me: - I do solemnly declare/ that I know not of any lawful impediment/ why I, <husband> / may not be joined in matrimony / to <wife>
<wife> please say after me: - I do solemnly declare/ that I know not of any lawful impediment/ why I, <wife>, / may not be joined in matrimony / to <husband> .
<husband> please say after me: - I call upon these persons here present/ to witness that I,/ <husband> / do take thee <wife>, / to be my lawful wedded wife.
<wife> please Say after me:- I call upon these persons here present/ to witness that I,/ <wife> / do take thee <husband> / to be my lawful wedded husband.
Who presents this woman to be married to this man?
The relative or friend presenting the woman may say - I do
<husband>, will you take <wife> as your wife in Christian marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, in sickness and in health, and be faithful to her as long as you both live?
I will.
<wife> will you take <husband> as your husband in Christian marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him, in sickness and in health, and be faithful to him as long as you both live?
I will
The Giving of the ring(s)
<husband> and <wife> will now give rings to symbolize their union.
<husband> please repeat after me: - I give you this ring/ as a sign of our marriage. / With my body I honour you,/ all that I am I give to you,/ all that I have I share with you/ within the love of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
<wife> Please repeat after me: - I give you this ring/ as a sign of our marriage. / With my body I honour you,/ all that I am I give to you,/ all that I have I share with you/ within the love of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Support of family and Friends
Those members of <husband>’s and <wife> family who love and care for them would you like to stand at this point.
Will you, who love and care for <husband> and <wife>, do all in your power to support and encourage them in their marriage that they have entered into?
Please say after me—With God’s help, we will
Those friends who love and care for <husband> and <wife>, do all in your power to support and encourage them in their marriage?
Please say after me—With God’s help, we will.
Declaration of Marriage
<husband> and <wife> have declared in the presence of God, this congregation, (and) family <and friends> that they will live together in Christian marriage, that they have made their promises to each other, and symbolized their marriage by the joining of hands, and by exchanging of rings. I therefore pronounce them husband and wife in the name of the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together, let no one separate. You may now kiss the bride!
Let’s sing together here is love, please note there is no introduction to this hymn.
Play Here is love
Signing of the register
Now <husband>, <wife> and witnesses are going to leave us for a few minutes to sign the register. While the register is being signed no photographs may be taken, as this is a legal requirement.
Hymn—While <husband> and <wife> are in the vestry let us listen to and sing along with Amazing Grace, words will be on the screen after the introduction.
Play Amazing Grace
Bible Reading
Bible Reading
Play final song
Dismissal—<husband> and <wife> leave the church