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Study Material

Stuck for material, don’t know how to start a Bible Study or Membership/Baptismal Class then we can help you. Panteg Ministries provides a library of easy to get to grip with material to enable you and groups to have effective study within the church and within you home environment.




Bible study for most Christians and Churches is very contentious yet few Christians and Churches are trained on how to read the Bible or study it, how to get the best from the text and what are the questions to ask. "12" introduces Bible study and provides the basics on how to conduct a study and what leaders should and should not do. If you want to get the best from Bible study and obtain a basic understanding of God and His word then this book is for you, available from Panteg Ministries for £4.99 plus postage and packaging (£1.99). If you need help with Bible study then we provide a step by step approach to go through "12" with you, normal expenses incurred are required.


Doing Homework
Baptismal Preparation


Most have no idea why we get baptised even fewer understand what membership means within the church environment. Panteg Ministries provide material based upon the Baptist tradition and what God has provided in His word. The course contains the following modules -


Baptism –

Session 1 - The "Why" of baptism
Session 2 - The "When" of baptism
Session 3 - The "Who" of baptism
Session 4 - The "Need" of baptism
Session 5 - The "God" of baptism


Membership -
Session 1 - The "Why" of membership
Session 2 - The "Who" of membership
Session 3 - The "What" of membership
Session 4 - The Church


Material is provided for both leaders and students who desire to discover the desire for baptism and then joining a local church.


This material is available from Panteg Ministries for £4.99 plus postage and packaging (£1.99). If you need assistance with running Baptismal or Membership classes then we can help you, normal expenses incurred are required.





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